Ludum Dare 48 Results

Ludum Dare 48 results are out a while now, but I forgot to post about them. I did not do as well as last time, but since my results for Gophers were exceptional for me, that was probably to be expected. This time I placed 433rd overall, with the stand-out category being graphics, where I just about broke the top 100, at 99th place.

Category Rating Placing Percentile
Overall 3.81 433 84th
Fun 3.259 1044 61st
Theme 3.672 873 67th
Innovation 3.345 754 72nd
Humor 3.596 277 89th
Graphics 4.466 99 96th
Audio 3.621 526 80th
Mood 3.846 460 83rd


A couple of graphs demonstrating my trends.

Ratings Graph Placings Graph

Still haven’t surpassed that Rattendorf peak, sigh

More Out of Gas

I am committed to working on a post-jam release of this game, as I think with a few tweaks and a bit more content it could be something quite special (more special than the ratings above suggest anyway!)

I will be posting here with development updates, and also over on the page, where you can also still play the jam version for now.