Ludum Dare 46 Results
The Ludum Dare 46 results were published yesterday, and my game did quite well, placing 109th overall and 14th in the “Mood” category, as well as 120th and 121st in graphics and audio respectively. In the largest ever Ludum Dare, those are pretty decent placings I think, despite not breaking the top 100.
Category | Rating | Placing | Percentile |
Overall | 4.136 | 109 | 96th |
Fun | 3.523 | 819 | 77th |
Theme | 4.14 | 279 | 92nd |
Innovation | 3.86 | 247 | 93rd |
Humor | 3.656 | 365 | 89th |
Graphics | 4.477 | 120 | 96th |
Audio | 4.102 | 121 | 96th |
Mood | 4.523 | 14 | 99th |
I always feel that the real competition in the Ludum Dare is against myself - just trying to do a little bit better and learn a bit more each time. As such, here’s some indication of my LD result trends over the years.
Nice upward trends! Note that I was only responsible for the art for “Claustrophobia” and “Rattendorf”, so I can only take partial credit for the overall and mood ratings of those.
The real learning experience this time around was on the audio. I’ve only done the audio for six of the nine Ludum Dares I’ve entered, so I left it out of the graphs above.
Looks like I really cranked it up a notch this time after coasting for a long while. Nice.
Moar Gophers
I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to take the game further. I quite like the concept and I certainly have some ideas for it. I’ll probably finish off my gopher renderer and phlog generator before I decide, and then I can do a devphlog for it :D
You can still play the jam version for now, if you missed it.